As the Summer heat and violent storms continue to rage across the US, some are already looking ahead to what Autumn may bring, and for many, it may not be much of a relief. Most of the country is forecasted to experience above average temperatures for most of fall, with cooler periods arriving in November as an El Nino setup continues to strengthen in the Eastern Pacific. Areas in the Great Lakes and the northern tier should expect temperatures to be most above average during the 3 month period. Many in the Northwest and Hawaii could also expect to see drought conditions develop during the fall months, as there is a strong indication of below average precipitation. Areas along the gulf coast and central plains could experience slightly wetter than average conditions while the four corners could see slightly drier than average conditions. An outlook for the Winter of 2023-2024 will be released in the coming months.
Disclaimer: The Climate Prediction Center also creates similar seasonal outlooks but this outlook is not solely based on that of the CPC, the CPC outlook can be found here. These outlooks are only used for generic purposes and simply depict trends overtime, not day-by-day forecasts. Errors are possible in these outlooks due to the high amount of uncertainty of forecasting months in advance. Most data is obtained from Tropical Tidbits.